Family history
Originally we put this material online for family use; we had done some research in 1985 in the Shetland Archive, and written it up (in longhand!) and sent photocopies around the family. Later I put this into electronic form and we circulated it on CD; then when we had a web site I copied the material onto the site.
Incidentally, this is a part of the site that gets a lot of external hits - Shetland family history is clearly of great interest around the world!
Our Shetland family history pages are unchanged in terms of the original content, but the design has been changed to match the new site design.
John's father has also done a lot of family history work on John's side, and some at least of this will hopefully also be put online in due course. It was through working on the Cooke side that John first became fascinated by the detective work that is family history research.